It's Revolution Day - Let's Maintain the Status Quo!

Apparently, Raul Castro wasn't feeling too revolutionary on July 26, which marks the 55th anniversary of the date Fidel Castro began to carry out his glorious dream - of NEVER DYING. In fact, that's what Neutrogena should start bottling as a true anti-aging serum - communist revolutionary extract. But we digress.
Aside from Raul's rousing report of the spectacular progress of milk distribution, there was little to suggest that Cuba's economic condition is improving; just as importantly, Raul avoided discussing any notable government reforms. We are not exactly sure what about this constitutes news. It is hardly surprising that the new chief of state of the Republic of Cuba hasn't shown too much enthusiasm about the whole democracy thing. The Communist Party of Cuba has hardly been swayed by international post-cold war pressure, so why expect marked change just because a different old comrade named Castro is in power? Raul, too, was there for the revolution, and although the staunchest Fidel supporters may have him pegged as a dangerously open-minded new leader, that doesn't mean the rest of us should. After all, a good time for these people is building a Che bust out of tobacco plants and rusted 1950s car parts. The fact is that Cuba isn't going to significantly change anytime soon barring more comprehensive US and international reform pressure. Of course, the youth of Cuba could always stage another revolution, but considering the tendency of armed college students to plunge already miserable regions into even lower depths of corruption and despair, we're not so sure that's a good idea.